Dental Trends: Fixing Gummy Smiles One Visit at a Time

3 Things To Know About Dental Implants

Being able to replace missing teeth is sure to be the ideal way to have better dental health. One effective way to accomplish this goal is by choosing dental implants. This is a process where a dental specialist will implant an artificial root inside of your jawline that will serve as an anchor for your restoration. Once you have this process completed, you may choose to have a dental crown or bridge put into place for a full dental restoration. Read More 

How Orthodontic Treatment Affects Wind Instrument Players And How To Deal With It

If you are an artist who plays a wind instrument, you should be aware of the effect of orthodontic treatment on your playing ability. Don't ignore this effect if you don't want to hate your orthodontics, and the way they make you sound, soon after the treatment. Apart from interfering with your playing ability, the interaction of the instrument and your dental treatment may also create some discomfort while playing. Read More 

Answers To A Few Dental Veneer Questions

Having a beautiful smile is something that is extremely important to most people. However, there are a number of damages that your teeth can suffer over the course of your life. These damages can seriously compromise the appearance of your smile to a point where you may be embarrassed by it. Fortunately, veneers can be a highly effective way of improving the quality of your smile, but you might need to have a few questions about this option answered before you are able to make an informed decision about it. Read More 

Don’t Let Summertime Dehydration Damage Your Smile!

As the summer season progresses, the temperatures just keep going up and up. While you may be enjoying the sunshine and perfect beach weather, it's important to keep in mind that the higher the temperatures go, the greater your risk is of becoming dehydrated, especially if you're spending a lot of time out in the heat. You probably know that severe dehydration can be dangerous, but you may not realize that even mild dehydration can be damaging to your oral health. Read More 

2 Tips For Keeping Your Mouth Bacteria Free While Wearing A Lip Bumper Appliance

Your dentist may recommend wearing a lip bumper for a number of reasons. However, one of the main reasons why a lip bumper may be recommended is because your teeth are too crowded. The pressure that your checks and mouth place on the appliance causes it to push against your molars. The constant pressure will eventually push your molars to the side and make room for additional teeth. Since the appliance covers part of your mouth and teeth, it can be difficult to clean your mouth as you normally would. Read More